About Cataracts

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What Causes Cataracts?

Many things can cause a cataract to form, including diabetes, but it is believed that natural aging is the main culprit—at least for 99 percent of cataract sufferers (the other 1 percent are born with congenital cataracts, sometimes due to metabolic disorders or intrauterine infections).

For the majority of people with age-related cataracts, or acquired cataracts, these develop very slowly and painlessly over the years and are often initially discovered by an eye

during routine exams, but may not be treated until your cataract impedes upon daily activities.


Causes include:

  • Chronic intraocular inflammation due to overuse of medications such as corticosteroids.
  • A penetrating injury to the lens, eye surgery, concussion, or the use of irradiation to treat an eye tumor, which can cause any type of cataract but typically result in posterior subcapsular cataracts.