After Cataract Surgery

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Immediately After Cataract Surgery

While each person's experience will be unique, here are a few things that most people experience following cataract surgery.


  • You may feel groggy from the local anesthesia. This is normal and will wear off fairly quickly.
  • We may place antibiotic drops in your eye to prevent infection and administer anti-inflammatory drops to minimize swelling. You may also be provided an eye patch.
  • You may receive prescription medications and instructions on how to care for your eye. Your follow-up appointment(s) will be scheduled, and then you will go home. We may give you dark sunglasses for the drive.
  • Relax and let your caregiver fill and deliver your prescriptions. You will not be allowed to drive yourself.
  • Avoid touching or rubbing your eye or removing the protective covering. Your eye may feel sensitive, even scratchy, for a few days. You may even see a little glare or halos, but this will go away over time.
  • Resume your normal daily activities—except for driving—within the first 24 hours, unless told otherwise. Avoid lifting anything over 15 pounds as it can increase intraocular pressure.
  • Wear your protective eye covering while you sleep, if advised, and try to avoid sleeping on the side of your body that has been operated on.
  • The next day, you will probably return to our office for a check-up.
  • Don't wear eye make-up until we tell you it is okay.
  • If you are in good health, you should be able to resume intense exercise after one week.

Your individual results may vary.