Cataract Treatment

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Toric Intraocular Lenses (IOLs)

Toric Intraocular Lenses (IOLs) can be used to correct for cataracts with pre-existing astigmatism simultaneously by delivering more precise, predictable outcomes and quality distance vision—without the need for glasses following surgery.

At Highland Ophthalmology, we use the Alcon® AcrySof® IQ Toric IOLs. This may also eliminate, in many cases, the need for limbal relaxing incisions, a technique in which incisions are made at the edge of the cornea to cause it to heal in a more spherical shape.

The AcrySof® IQ Toric IOL combines precise astigmatism correction and the enhanced image quality of an aspheric lens. An aspheric lens is a type of IOL that is designed to correct spherical aberrations (a change in curvature between the center and edge of your pupil that causes multiple focal points and blurry vision).

The AcrySof® IQ Toric IOL offers high energy blue light protection, which shields your eyes not only from the harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays of sunlight but also from artificial lighting such as fluorescent light bulbs—both of which have been linked as possible contributors to cataracts.

Like the multifocal IOL, another option for patients with astigmatism is the ACRYSOF® IQ Multifocal Toric lens, which delivers true performance at all distances.